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Benefits of Air Seeding and its Working

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

An agricultural instrument that conventionally plants seeds of a crop across a large field is called an air seeder. It has hoppers at its centre, which distribute the seeds via an air stream into separate rows. It is easy to fill, move, and clean. Air seeding is used for seeds like corn and oilseeds among others.

Air SeederThe large cart of the air seeder uses a powerful fan to emit the seeds in an air stream.  The grain is transferred with the meter wheel to optimize density and ratio of scattering. Air seedingoccurs at speeds close to 10mph, they can sow numerous thousands with stunning precision. The seeds with air distribute evenly in calculated projectiles, adhering to the path of the divisions on the feeder.

Being costly to purchase and use, air seeding necessitates the need for expensive tractors to operate them. Along with an adequate supply of fertilizer and seed, they require maintenance of parts prone to wearing out, such as the soil openers. A conscientious and capable operator is responsible for the correct placement, seeding rate, and handling while air seeding, as it is considerably priced as a high investment.  Slight errors could create low standards of crop harvest.

For more Air Seeding and other machinery parts. "Click Here" to view the original source. or visit our official website at :
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