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3 Do’s and Don’ts of Keeping your Engine in Top Condition

Thursday, June 20, 2013

We all know this and yet, we neglect it on a daily basis because we just can’t wait to get into our vehicles and zoom off to various destinations. This neglect is often the cause of extensive engine damage in the long run. Be it petrol or diesel engines, you need to take ample precautions so that they remain in top condition. Let us take a look at some do’s and don’ts, which will help you in maintaining your engines or motors in best form:

Camper TrailersDo Change the Engine Oil Regularly
This is perhaps the easiest to-do for maintaining your engine. The underlying benefits of changing oil is that the vital engine parts like electric motor, keeps them well lubricated and prevents overheating. If the gap between oil changes is way too long, then it will discreetly cause permanent damage to the engine. Check your owner’s manual to see the time suggested for oil change or contact your nearest mechanic to know the same.

Do not Overlook the Cooling System
For the layman, the cooling system includes water pump, thermostat, radiator and the coolant. No. I am not asking you to be an expert of all these parts. All you need to do is to see that you have sufficient coolant or radiant fluid in the engine. To be on the safe side, keep coolant handy in your vehicle and pour it when you think the engine is about to heat up. This is particularly essential when you go for long drives.

Do Check for Leaks
No matter what vehicle you drive, you can easily detect a leak. These leaks can damage even truck parts and hence, these must be resolved at the earliest. Antifreeze and the engine oil are two common liquids that tend to leak out of your engine. The reason for these leaks can be due to crack in rubber engine hoses or seals. So, you need to check on these as well. The moment you detect a leak, take your car to the nearest mechanic without any delay.

In Conclusion
So, whether you drive an SUV, a limo, camper trailers, school bus, city bus, box trailer or anything else for that matter, follow these do’s and don’ts to keep your engines in best state. Happy and safe driving!
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